Friday, July 25, 2008

In the summer of 1987, the choir at Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church took a great tour around England and Scotland.  I think this is in front of the Cathedral in Cambridge, England, at King's College.

This is Jonathan at age 15.  He could pass, though, for 30.


Carol said...


I was so relieved to find this blogsite -- thank you! I have been in a surreal state of being ever since I got the devastating news about Jonathan. Both Doug and I hurt so much for you and your family. It was all I could do to not jump in the car last weekend and drive 11 hours from central Texas to Leavenworth for the funeral. I decided to hold out for any memorial service you might have at MAPC -- please do let me know if that happens. We will continue to hold all of you in our hearts, minds and prayers in the days ahead.

Just for the record, we lost Peggy today exactly five years ago. Requiem aeternam to both of them.

Much love,
Carol Meyer Willingham and Doug Willingham

Jonathan Kirk Weaver said...

Carol and Doug,

We would love to see you, and thank you for your remembrances. Dad is going to send a message to everyone with more details. Thank you for your care, and we feel surrounded by love.
