Thursday, July 24, 2008

Also, after the service (and following the luncheon at the church) on Saturday, Meredith's parents, Brad and Mary Cox, have graciously invited everyone to their house:

33457 223rd Street
Easton, Kansas 66020

Many friends and neighbors have brought food, so don't worry about going hungry.  And Jonathan really loved eating, too.


Anonymous said...

I spent the last year with Jonathan in his CGSC staff group. I can not describe how saddened I am at his loss. He is without a doubt the most intelligent man I have had the pleasure to work with. He was also one of the funniest. I can not tell you how many great laughs we as a group had during the rigorous and dry periods of instruction because of Jonathan’s fantastic razor sharp whit.

History classes were the best. Jonathan would "come off the top rope" with some little known factual detail of history that would usually floor our instructor and make the class much more enjoyable. I sometimes felt bad for our instructor, but not too much.

It was a pleasure getting to know Jonathan as a pier and then a friend. I had look forward to a long friendship with him. Now I will greatly value the memories and experiences I had with him in the short time I knew him.

I offer my deepest sympathies to all his family and loved ones.

MAJ Duke Samouce

Jonathan Kirk Weaver said...

MAJ Duke,

Your words mean so much to us, and we were so glad to meet you in person at the service. Thank you for your friendship of my brother.
